Dept lab med and pathology wmc 5b4.09
Dept lab medicine & pathology royal alexandra hospital
Dept laboratory medicine misericordia hospital
Dept med family med
Dept medicine tom baker cancer centre
Dept o&g; foothills hospital
Dept of 12th floor clinical neurosciences division of neuros
Dept of anaesthesia
Dept of anaesthesia misericordia hospital
Dept of anes
Dept of anes
Dept of anes
Dept of anesth & pain med university campus nw
Dept of anesthesia
Dept of anesthesia
Dept of anesthesia 152 university campus nw
Dept of anesthesia peter lougheed hospital
Dept of anesthesia rockyview hospital
Dept of anesthesia royal alexandra hospital
Dept of anesthesia sturgeon community hospital