Toronto GTA
North York
Fluent in English, Gujarati, Hindi
Hospital privileges:
Humber River Regional Hospital,York-Finch General Finch Avenue Site (Toronto)
Registered as Independent Practice (from 08 Oct 1982)
Independent Practice (from 08 Oct 1982)
Registered on 08 Oct 1982
Graduated at Mysore University in 1979
Hospital privileges:
Humber River Regional Hospital,York-Finch General Finch Avenue Site (Toronto)
2780 Jane Street
Drs. B. and S. Shah Medicine Professional Corporation
No associations
Sheila Shah has received 35 rating(s) and 35 review(s), resulting in an average rating of 1.59 on a scale from 1 to 5. The overall rating for this medical doctor is very bad.
If you have personal experience with Sheila Shah, we encourage you to share that experience with our ServiceRating.ca community. Your opinion is very important and Sheila Shah will most certainly appreciate the feedback.
It is nearly impossible to find a family doctor worse than Dr. Sheila Shah. PLEASE DO NOT SIGN "Patient Enrolment and Consent to Release Personal Health Information" form with Dr. Sheila Shah. She wants you to become her permanent patient, so that you cannot seek medical treatment from other family doctors, who are better than her.
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Visit www.health.gov.on.ca/en to find a new family doctor.
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extremely bad, stay away. She is robbing OHIP by swipping health cards of her patients. Both husband and wife should be put in prison, for committing fraud.
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Register for Health Care Connect at www.health.gov.on.ca/en/ (ministry of health) to find a new family doctor. Enrolment/Consent form, DO NOT SIGN. When Enrolment is cancelled, Consent is cancelled automatically. But when Consent is cancelled, Enrolment is not cancelled automatically. To CANCEL Enrolment, END Enrolment or to DE-ENROLL with Dr. Sheila Shah, contact the Service Ontario INFOline at 1-888-218-9929; you will be required to provide your rostered physician's name and your health card number to the agent in order to complete this process over the telephone.
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She forces patients to sign Patient Enrolment and Consent to Release Personal Health Information form. This form is absolutely voluntary and no family doctor can force to sign it. The College of Physicians and Surgeons of Ontario (CPSO) should set up an investigation against this doctor. Her license to practise medicine in Ontario should be revoked immediately by CPSO.
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Profile ID: SRCA-MDS-P-19582