Fluent in English
Deceased on 27-Oct-1988
Specialty Neurology (01 Jan 1952)
Specialty Psychiatry (01 Jan 1953)
Graduated at Franz Joseph University of Kolozsvar in 1931
Specialty Neurology (01 Jan 1952)
Specialty Psychiatry (01 Jan 1953)
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Abcdefg Hijklmnop
Dear Old Alex. He may have had the makings of a dirty old man but he was a great teacher and I loved him. Thank you Alex.
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catherine patch
I was a child. He was an evil, Magus-kike manipulator of young minds. He used drugs, sexual harassment and the promise of a place within his cult of inner circle patents to control us. He did such harm that it took decades to recover and to trust any therapist. Why was he allowed to practise?
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walking dead
I am sorry he's dead, because I would have wanted to have killed him myself for the physical, sexual and emotional abuse/torture I suffered from him. He ruined me and I have never been able to fully recover from the most horrid things this psychiatrist did to me. Constantly I have flash backs of him abusing me and I want to die. I think sometimes that if I died, then I would be at peace and not be haunted by his actions to me. He fucked up a lot more people than just me, that is for damn certain. I hope he is in hell and will burn there for eternity. FUCK YOU Alex, rot in hell. And shame on the College of Physicians and Surgeons for not taking the complaints against him, seriously!
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I saw Alex during the 70’s. He was a monster who somehow was allowed to have a license to practice psychiatry. He was a bully, a boorish, evil man. He forced Ritalin down my throat, literally, sometimes with an impatient slap or a punch across my face or head. He had a big glass candy bowl on his desk that was filled with pills. Alex was constantly medicating himself with Ritalin as well as medicating me. He forced me to sit on the floor beside him as he sat in his chair at his desk. Alex took my vulnerability and twisted it all into a slew of horrible expressions and hateful words which he dictated to me. I had to write it down and then read it back to him over and over again and with each reading he got more and more abusive with me. He was so high on amphetamines. Alex was delusional and drooled as he spoke in his very gruff manner. I had to memorize the self-deprecating dictation and then recite it back to him. It was never good enough for him and he would force more pills into me while drooling and threatening me in slurred speech to read/recite it all again and again to him. He was a dirty old man and it was not endearing. It was hurtful and harmful. He often mumbled stuff about temporal lobe epilepsy which is how he justified drugging me and phking with my mind. Alex also had wandering hands.He had no morals. I know he damaged many other of his patients and I suspect they were mostly female as he seemed to be particularly hostile towards women. Alex was as misoginstic as they come. He was masterful at ‘brainwashing’ his patients, like me. When you are ‘brainwashed’ you don’t know that you are. It’s taken me a lifetime to understand what this evil blob did to me, (and others.) I lost memory of most of my life, thanks to his unethical practice of psychiatry on me. By the time I was able to approach the College of Physicians and Surgeons of Ontario for some compensation and compassion, Alex was dead. The College does not acknowledge victims of a dead doctor. How was Alex able to renew his license to practice psychiatry year after year? If the College was and is that inept in ensuring that an ethical code of conduct is being practiced by their licensed members, then the College is, by their actions or lack of, support evil predators like Dr. Alex Szatmari. The College should acknowledge patients who were abused so profoundly regardless of time and wether the doctor in question is living or deceased. Alex ruined my life. He did such a number on me that decades later I still suffer from the emotional and physical beatings and mind altering damage from him. He disabled me. He had no ethical boundaries and he had his favourites, his inner circle, mostly men. I saw him slap people across the face in his group therapy sessions. Alex was EVIL. The College is for physicians and surgeons, not for patients. That is very evident.
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Profile ID: SRCA-MDS-P-3584